Nussbergweg 6
D - 99510 Kapellendorf
T +49 (0) 36425 20068
F +49 (0) 36425 20069
e info@textlabor.de
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You are an expert in your field but at a loss for words to explain it to a wider audience?
Your specialists and your public don't get across to each other?
You need help to translate the “lab talk” into words that make your research accessible to the general public?
Then you have found the right partner. Whether you are planning a brochure, website or exhibition, I will assist you with concepts and texts. Thoroughly researched, of course, to guarantee a sound, scientifically correct content that matches the level and interests of your target group and thus ensures that your outreach effort really reaches your audience.
As a trained physicist, I am used to grasping the most complex issues; as a freelance PR expert and science journalist, I am able to put them into words – to communicate not only your science, but also your enthusiasm for it.
The “Textlabor” (German for “Text lab”) offers a “translation service” for scientific and technical jargon that bridges the gap between your experts and your audience. Mostly in German, but also in English or French.
Brochures, annual reports, popular science articles, flyers, press releases, news, exhibition panels, websites etc.
- based on my own investigations or other documents (scientific publications etc.)
- in German, English or French
Editing of scientific articles, reports and proposals; supervision of translations
English – German – French
... in science and technology