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Selection of Textlabor projects since its creation in 1998
European XFEL, Hamburg
• Conception, writing and editing of brochures, flyers, press releases, articles, web texts, reports and proposals for the DESY and European XFEL research centres (since 1998)
→ subject areas: particle physics, photon science, accelerator development
- Editing of the following scientific annual reports:
- European XFEL Annual Report
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 - DESY PARTICLE PHYSICS Highlights and Annual Report
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 - DESY ACCELERATORS Highlights and Annual Report
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 - DESY ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS Highlights and Annual Report
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019- DESY kompakt 2010 Jahresbericht des Forschungszentrums DESY (in German)
- Writing and editing of various brochures and reports:
- Zentrumsfortschrittsbericht (since 2018, in German)
- Programme proposal of the Helmholtz research area "Matter" for the fourth funding period of the Helmholtz Association (2019)
- PETRA IV – 3D-Röntgenmikroskop der Superlative (2019, in German)
- SPEED MACHINES – Accelerators at DESY (2010)
- MICRO COSM – Particle physics at DESY (2009)
- Enlightening Science – The X-ray laser project European XFEL (2009)
- HIGH LIGHTS – Photon science at DESY (2007)
- POINTING THE WAY Anniversary brochure celebrating the HERA accelerator (2007)
- BRILLANT RING – The X-ray light source PETRA III (2007)
- FLASH – Free-Electron Laser in Hamburg (2007)
- Das europäische Röntgenlaserprojekt XFEL – Anlage, Betriebsgelände, Bauvorhaben (2005, in German)
- The super microscope HERA (2002)
- DESY Yearbooks (2003, 2000, 1998)
- Programme proposal of the Helmholtz research area "Matter" for the fourth funding period of the Helmholtz Association (2019)
• Translations (German ↔ English) and supervision/correction of translations, e.g. of the DESY research magazine femto and the brochures listed above
• DESY correspondent for the international particle physics journal CERN Courier of the CERN research centre in Geneva (1998–2011)
→ writing and editing of news and articles about particle physics at DESY (in English)
- Selection of articles:
- HERMES looks for final pieces in nucleon-spin puzzle (May 2006)
- Twenty-five years of gluons (Nov. 2004)
- Forty years of synchrotron radiation research (July 2004, p. 34)
- Brilliant future for PETRA III (July 2003)
- TESLA project goes public (June 2001)
- More collisions ahead for HERA (Oct. 2000)
- Towards the ultimate X-ray source: the X-ray laser (June 2000)
- HERMES heralds insight into nucleon spin (Nov. 1998)
- HERA strikes it RICH at DESY (Nov. 1998)
• Participation in the overall conception and realisation of the DESY exhibition "Licht der Zukunft – Light for the New Millennium", Worldwide Project of the World exhibition EXPO 2000 (1999–2000)
→ conception, writing and editing of the section presenting "The super microscope HERA"
→ conception, writing and editing of the DESY exhibition flyer
Writing, editing and translation of various texts, such as press releases, articles, reports and proposals, for the research centre HZDR (since 2017), German ↔ Englisch
→ subject area: fundamental and application-oriented research in the sectors energy, health and matter
• Writing, editing and translation of press releases, web texts, image brochures, exhibition texts etc. for the semiconductor foundry X-FAB (since 2003, English ↔ German)
• Writing of English and German articles for X-FAB for various journals (2007–2014)
→ subject area: manufacturing of analog/mixed-signal integrated circuits
Writing of various use cases of the LAMBDA X-ray detector of the company X Spectrum (2018)
Editing of several proposals (SFB, ERC Advanced Grant, Exzellenzuniversität) for Technische Universität Braunschweig (2018)
• Interpretation and translation of books, clinics, talks, presentations, DVDs and articles of French riding master Philippe Karl (since 1998)
English ↔ French ↔ German
- For example:
- Philippe Karl & High Noon, Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3, DVDs by Pferdia TV and wehorse (2014, 2015 and 2018)
- Collection: Dreams and Reality, filmed theory lecture by Pferdia TV (2015, German version)
- Die Rolle der Balance in der Légèreté, article in the magazine Dressur-Studien (2008)
- Classical versus Classique, DVD by Dressur-Studien and Pferdia TV (2008, German version)
- Irrwege der modernen Dressur (Twisted Truths of Modern Dressage), book by Cadmos Verlag (2006)
• Conception, editing and translation of the bilingual DVDs The School of Légèreté 1 & 2 by Pferdia TV (2011)
• Conception and editing of Philippe Karl's website
Editing of the brochure Beschleuniger für Teilchen, Wissen und Gesellschaft of the association of German accelerator physicists KfB (2016, in German)
- Eine Kugel bricht alle Rekorde (2013)
- Im Anfang war die Kraft (2010)
Editing of the strategic concept of the Research campus InfectoGnostics for the initiative “Forschungscampus – öffentlich-private Partnerschaft für Innovationen” of the German federal research ministry BMBF (2012, in German)
on behalf of the Institute of Physical Chemistry
of the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena
→ subject area: optical technologies
Conceptional and editorial responsibility for the sections “Welt des Allerkleinsten” (World of the infinitely small) and “Welt des Lichts” (World of light) of the physics portal Welt der Physik (2002–2011, in German)
→ conception, writing of own articles, editing of authors' articles
Writing of various interviews for the anniversary brochure 20 Jahre Lösungen mit Licht (2011, in German) and the Annual Report 2010 of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF) in Jena
→ subject area: optical technologies
Editing of the institute brochure of the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena (2011, in German)
→ subject area: biogeochemistry
• Editing of the study “Green Photonics in Thüringen” for the cluster CoOPTICS – Cooperate in Optics (2010, in German)
• Editing of the proposal and strategic concept of the cluster CoOPTICS for the excellence cluster competition of the German federal research ministry BMBF (2007, in German)
on behalf of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF)
and the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT) in Jena
→ subject area: optical technologies
Editing of the strategic concept of the
Centre for innovation competence ultra optics for the initiative “Exzellenz schaffen – Talente sichern” of the German federal research ministry BMBF (2009, in German)
on behalf of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena
→ subject area: optical technologies
• Editing of the study Teilchenphysik in Deutschland – Status und Perspektiven
of the association of German particle physicists KET (2002, in German)
• Supervision, correction and editing of the English translation Particle Physics in Germany – Status and Perspectives (2003)
Writing of articles for Physik Journal,
the magazine of the German Physical Society DPG (1999–2004, in German)
→ subject areas: university, dialogue between science and society
Selection of articles
• Conception and editing of a brochure on the eco-efficiency analysis of various modern heating systems for the natural gas supplier WINGAS (2002, in German)
• Updating of the brochure (2003–2004)
• Writing of various articles on the subject
Copy editing of articles for the scientific journals Applied Physics A & B, Springer-Verlag (2001–2002, in English)
• Editing of the brochures presenting the prize winners of the second and third round of the students' prize Deutscher Studienpreis awarded by the Körber foundation: “Risiko! Der Umgang mit Sicherheit, Chance und Wagnis” (1998–1999) and “Bodycheck – Wieviel Körper braucht der Mensch?” (2000–2001, in German)
→ subject areas: ranging from the cancer risk in the vicinity of Tchernobyl to the 1997 Oder flood or the consequences of genetically modified food
• Writing of various articles on the award ceremonies
• Editing of the publication “Wie viel Körper braucht der Mensch? Standpunkte zur Debatte”, Edition Körber-Stiftung (2001, in German)
• DVDs and articles of French riding master Philippe Karl, for Pferdia TV, wehorse and the magazines Dressur-Studien, Cavallo and Piaffe (since 1998)
French ↔ English ↔ German
• Irrwege der modernen Dressur (Twisted Truths of Modern Dressage), a book on horse riding written by French riding master Philippe Karl, Cadmos Verlag (2006)
French → German
• Physik (Fundamentals of Physics), university textbook written by David Halliday, Robert Resnick und Jearl Walker, Verlag WILEY-VCH (2003)
English → German
• “Das Maß in Wissenschaft und Philosophie”, popular science book on metrology written by French physicist Jean Perdijon, Bastei-Lübbe-Verlag (2000)
French → German
• “Chaos”, popular science book on chaos theory written by French mathematician Ivar Ekeland, Bastei-Lübbe-Verlag (1999)
French → German
• Editing and correction of the translation of François Baucher – Enfant terrible oder Genie written by French-American riding master Jean-Claude Racinet, Olms Verlag (2004)
English → German
• Editing and translation of various other articles and books for the publishing companies Belin, Cadmos, Dressur-Studien, Müller-Rüschlikon, Wu Wei
Interpreting of riding clinics as well as lectures and seminars about horses and horse riding at conferences and fairs (since 1998)
consecutive and chuchotage (simultaneous)
English ↔ French ↔ German
- - Philippe Karl, French riding master
- - Jean-Claude Racinet, French-American riding master
- - Robert Miller, American veterinarian
- - Michael Baxter, American horse therapist